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Faith in Action

Faith in Action is how we live out our beliefs through tangible, positive actions that reflect the values of love, compassion, and justice in everyday life, following the example of Jesus. This includes acts of kindness, charity, standing up for what is right, and promoting peace and unity. It is turning our beliefs into action, making a difference in the world and inspiring others to do the same. 

All St Mary’s pupils are invited to be part of our ‘Faith in Action Team’ (FiAT), and as such, they take their first step in becoming a living saint. Each year group has its own Faith in Action team, which takes a lead role in organising: 

  • Charity fundraising activities 

  • Responding to local, national, and global campaigns 

  • Leading Acts of Worship 

Many of our FiAT members also take part in the ‘Faith in Action Award’ programme. This award is nationally accredited by CYMfed, the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation. 

The Award encourages pupils by recognising, rewarding, and celebrating their active faith, lived out through service and reflection. It helps them connect their life and faith in a tangible manner. In journeying through the Award, pupils experience a deepening of their relationship with God and are given the opportunity to explore that relationship. It is hoped that through their relationship and action, others will see God's love through them. 

There are four levels of the award: Pin, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Participants accrue credits of service in their parish and/or school, and the wider community. The Faith in Action Award builds on what pupils already experience in serving others, asking them to reflect upon it so that they may find new ways of living out and exploring their faith. There is an opportunity for guided reflections (through group reflection points) and personal reflection (through journaling). At the end of the programme, participants submit a final piece of work for moderation before being awarded their Faith in Action Award.