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Welcome to St Mary's Sixth Form

At St Mary's Sixth Form our vision is Ambition without Limit.  This is where your potential is realised, and where great futures begin.

The Sixth Form at St Mary's is a transformative experience. By joining our Sixth Form, you become part of a supportive community rooted in our Catholic faith. This is a community that is extremely ambitious for you and your future, and we will do everything we can to enable you to flourish. You will leave our Sixth Form with the best qualifications, skills and personal attributes possible, providing a solid platform for your future success.



Mrs M Dengate


Inspirational teachers, incredible facilities and genuine care set St Mary's apart.

Nowadays, there are lots of options for study post-16, but there is nowhere quite like St Mary's. Ours is a hugely popular Sixth Form that attracts the most talented, committed and inspiring students and teachers. Others may talk about Holistic Education: we embody it. We offer expertly taught curriculum, complete pastoral care and a total commitment to your personal development. I am deeply proud of our Sixth Form, and I am excited to welcome ambitious students to become part of this historic place. Your future begins here.


Mr P Maydom

Assistant Headteacher - Head of Sixth Form 

A first-class experience

Our focus is ambition for all, and this underpins everything we do to support students moving forward post-18. It is of vital importance that each one of our students is supported to progress onto a post-18 pathway that they are passionate about and that reflects their interests and abilities. Our aim is that every St Mary's sixth form student will feel confident to pursue whatever pathway they choose. Students are facilitated to explore and understand a whole range of different study and career options, to broaden their outlook and enable them to make the best choice for them as individuals.


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