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Pastoral Care

St Mary’s High School strives to be a Catholic community in which principles of care and respect are valued, with emphasis on the development of the young person through academic achievement, holistic personal development and religious formation. We aim to give every pupil the most appropriate opportunities to learn and develop to become the best that they can be. We take our ethos from Gospel values and work to draw out the potential in every young person.

The most important influences on a child’s values, attitudes and standards are those of family, home and community. We aim therefore, to work in close partnership with parents and carers to encourage all our pupils to have good manners, be kind and develop a sense of responsibility, self -discipline, respect for themselves, for others and for their environment. We recognise that education is a collaborative and cooperative enterprise and that although we emphasise our role in meeting individual needs, those needs must be met within the shared community life of the school and within an atmosphere which is positive, supportive and conducive to learning.

It goes without saying that every member of staff has a role to play in Pastoral Care in St Mary’s.  Every teacher is expected to be interested in a child’s overall development and should be trying to encourage good social and moral habits as well as academic potential.  The key to any successful Pastoral System and to the success of the school are the qualities, abilities and commitment shown by the form teacher.  With such a large pupil population the form teacher is the “lynchpin” of the Pastoral System in St Mary’s.  The Form Teacher is supported by the Head of Year, the Head of Key Stage and the Leadership Group.

Key Staff

  • Mr A Breedon Deputy Headteacher
  • Miss H McKay Designated Safeguarding Lead & Named Teacher for Looked After Children
  • Mr P Maydom Assistant Headteacher i/c Sixth Form
  • Miss L Hood Head of Conduct 
  • Mr J Slater Head of Key Stage 3 
  • Miss E Drury Head of Key Stage 4

Heads of Year

  • Mr J Slater Head of Year 7
  • Miss V Barker Head of Year 8
  • Mr R Hancock Head of Year 9
  • Mrs D Shaw Head of Year 10
  • Mr B Frost Head of Year 11
  • Mr A Peach Head of Year 12
  • Mr M Bigg Head of Year 13

School Chaplain

  • Fr Adrian Tomlinson

Faith In Action

  • Mr A Marshall Head of Chaplaincy
  • Miss J Charmak Faith in Action Lead

Wellbeing Team

  • Mrs M Bowerman Early Help Co-ordinator & Family Resource Worker
  • Ms M Bhaumik School Counsellor
  • Miss K Harding Medical Welfare Assistant
  • Compass Changing Lives Mental Health Support Team