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Our assembly programme is carefully planned to create a journey that students follow from Year 7
through to Year 13. Assemblies follow the rhythm of the Liturgical Year, and are a very formal occasions. The assembly is always lead by a member of the Leadership Group, with a prayer said together and a hymn sung. Pupils who play musical instruments will perform the hymn whilst the year group sing.

Each half term pupils will receive an assembly covering the areas below:

Act of Worship

This is a spiritual focus on the liturgical theme for the half term, giving pupils an
opportunity to think and reflect. Pupils will be challenged to make a difference to their
community over the half term. Our half term themes follow the liturgical year:
Half term 1 – Creation
Half term 2 – Advent
Half term 3 – Epiphany
Half term 4 – Lent
Half term 5 – Easter
Half term 6 – Pentecost

Safe @ St. Mary’s

Each half term students will receive an important safeguarding
assembly, led by the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead). Topics will cover relevant contextual safeguarding issues, with information shared with parents through the half termly safeguarding bulletin.


We have a careers week each half term. The assembly during careers week is designed to be aspirational and support the careers teaching during this week.It is led by our Careers Lead. 


This is an assembly led by a member of the Leadership Group, where pupils are taught how powerful a good education is for the future, and given practical advice for success. Alongside this, cultural issues may be explored, such as Remembrance Day, Holoaust, Young Carers etc. 

Standards, Etiquette and British Values

These assemblies are tailored to the emerging needs of each year group, with a different British Value specifically targetted. 

Aspire Celebration "Gaudium et Spes"

Our celebration assemblies, where pupils will be recognised for their successes through ‘Aspire’, our comprehensive rewards programme.