This flowchart gives an overview of the steps involved for a young person to complete their Expedition section.
Team: Participants form a team of between four and seven
Aim: The team will agree their expedition aim.
Training: Bronze participants will undertake a weekend training session in school to learn the required navigation, camp, and first aid skills, and to cover key Health and Safety messages. Bronze and Silver participants will also have an in-school refresher on key information in the week before their expeditions. Participants should also begin physical and fitness training outside of school for their practice (if Silver) and qualifying expeditions.
Paperwork: Before undertaking expeditions, participants will need to provide up-to-date medical information and parental/carer consent.
Practice expedition (Silver): Practice expeditions will be followed by reflection and additional training to fully prepare participants for their qualifying expedition.
Planning and preparation: Each team will ensure they have everything in place for their qualifying expedition including paperwork, a project aim, and route cards.
First contact and Assessor’s pre-expedition check: The Accredited Assessor will discuss the proposed route with the team, provide any local information that may be helpful and once agreed, approve the route. The Assessor will meet the team in the expedition area on the morning of the expedition.
Qualifying expedition: Once fully prepared the team will undertake their expedition, which will be remotely supervised and observed by their DofE Accredited Assessor. The Supervisor and Assessor will meet the team from time to time, keeping intrusion to a minimum, ensuring the team’s safety and that the DofE’s 20 conditions are being met.
Debrief: At the end of the expedition the Assessor will conduct an oral debrief with the team. This is an opportunity to congratulate the team and help them to review their expedition.
Presentation (Silver): Paticipants will deliver a short presentation (5 minutes) on their expedition aim to DofE staff upon their return to school. This can take a number of formats and will be discussed with the participants prior to the qualifying expedition.