Key Stage 3 Curriculum

All pupils follow a common curriculum in Years 7-9, providing full coverage of the National Curriculum:


Subject Provision at Key Stage 3

English (4 periods)

Geography (2 periods)

Art (1 period)

Maths (4 periods)

History (2 periods)

Drama (1 period)

Science (3 periods)

Design Technology (2 periods)

Music (1 (period)

Religious Studies (3 periods)

Physical Education (2 periods)


Modern Foreign Language (3 periods)

Computing and ICT (1 period)


Broad curriculum plans for each subject are provided here.


In English (after Year 7) and Maths pupils are taught in sets. In other subjects, pupils are taught in teaching groups, which are banded according to ability. This enables them to be taught in an environment more suited to their needs. Teaching groups and sets are reviewed and amended on a regular basis to ensure that all pupils benefit from being taught in the most appropriate setting.


We may withdraw some of our pupils from a language and/or other non-core subjects in order to offer them Literacy and Numeracy support and other appropriate intervention. A very small number of pupils may access bespoke alternative provision in accordance with the terms outlined in our Alternative Provision Agreement.


Homework is a vital and compulsory activity for all pupils. Homework is set for each subject in accordance with the school's Homework Policy. Teachers set homework through the online learning platform, Satchel One. In Year 7, pupils are expected to spend approximately 45 minutes on homework each evening and at weekends. This increases to 1 hour in Year 8 and 1½ hours in Year 9. 


For information on how Key Stage 3 Performance Indicators are created, and how these link to prior attainment and to our St Mary's levels at Key Stage 3, please see the booklet below.
